Step Out of the Car: Tips for Better Photos

Posting photos to your Agent Insight pages is so easy. Just drive around town, spot an interesting feature you want to highlight, point your cell phone, and shoot the picture, right? Well, that is practically right, but with a little extra attention, your photos can go from satisfactory to excellent.

One of the best tips for capturing great photos is to step out of your car to take the shot. Photos taken through the windshield often suffer from glare, and the rearview mirror or hood can creep into the frame. Plus, staying in your seat makes it harder to properly frame your subject and get the best angle.

So, take a moment to step out of the car, find the right angle, and frame your shot. While our Agent Insight team works hard to crop your photos for the best result, if half the image is filled with a parking lot, there’s only so much they can do.

Here’s an example: your town has a beautiful city hall. If you just stop at a red light and snap a quick photo through the window, you might end up with an image cluttered with cars, overhead wires, and telephone poles. Instead, park your car and take a few minutes to walk around. Look for the best angle that highlights the building’s stunning architecture, the manicured lawn, and the gardens and shrubs lining the steps. Perfect! Instead of a rushed 20-second shot, spending a few extra minutes will be well worth it for a truly impressive photo.

A couple of quick reminders: The Agent Insight photo template is horizontal, so be mindful of this when photographing vertical subjects. Additionally, we can’t use any photos that feature identifiable faces. However, shots with the backs of people’s heads or distant crowds are perfectly fine.

You don’t need to be a professional photographer to take great photos—just take a little extra time. Doing so will improve your composition and bring out more vibrant colors. We truly appreciate every photo you submit, and we especially value the ones that showcase your community in the best light for potential home buyers.

Here Comes Halloween!!

The holiday season is just around the corner, starting with Halloween and followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all the other major celebrations of this time of year. Take advantage of these festive occasions, as well as the season’s natural beauty, local festivals, decorations, sports, and community activities for your Agent Insight posts. Thanks to Tonya Chevis, RE/MAX Along the Way,  Long Beach, MS, for this spooky Halloween photo.