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Best Investment Around


his area of Daphne, considered the Olde Towne Daphne, is where I want to be. The prices are gathering momentum, much like the Fruit & Nut District of Fairhope did twenty years ago. I pray that this area remains slower and quaint like Uptown Fairhope used to be! My parents live in Olde Towne Daphne, and they love it. My friends see the logistically situated area perfect for their families as well. I think one of them should run for mayor one day! I grew up on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay when there were one or two traffic lights between Spanish Fort and Fairhope. Now, it takes almost 45 minutes to get to Fairhope in the Eastern Shore Centre traffic. If you are looking for a sleeper investment…Olde Towne Daphne is it!

Go to Manci’s and order the cheeseburger! Indulge yourself with a treat at Whit’s Frozen Custard…my fav is the Jubilee Gem with extra pecans. Objects! has the best gifts for others and yourself, as does the new Pop & Pour store nearby. Tennis and pickleball courts are usually hopping. Mardi Gras parades are the safest and best around. I love Daphne! You will, too.

Old Daphne
Daphne, AL

Submitted by
Christian Flynn
RE/MAX By The Bay
Fairhope, AL

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Mesta Park From an Agent’s Point of View


y husband and I purchased our home in Mesta Park in 1999 and renovated it completely. We have raised our girls right across from Perle Mesta Park and watched them grow up in this neighborhood. We have strolled the sidewalks countless times under large 100-year-old sycamore trees that line the streets. We hear children playing and neighbors visiting in the park in the evenings. We have watched the local firemen hose down the children in the hot summer sun as they scream with delight during the annual neighborhood picnic. We have seen the leaves turn each fall and celebrated at the annual Mesta Festa and toured the homes in December for the annual Holiday Home Tour. In addition to our home in the park, we have bought a home, renovated it, and sold it, and we continue to maintain a rental property in Mesta Park. It is now my privilege to help others sell their home or find their perfect home or invest in Mesta Park.

Mesta Park
Oklahoma City, OK

Submitted by
Brigett Foster
RE/MAX First
Oklahoma City, OK

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