Hallowed Grounds


oming on post today, it occurred to me I am still humbled to associate with and walk among our nation’s finest on a regular basis. As an active duty military spouse, coming to Fort Leavenworth was like coming home for us. We are Midwesterners, and it felt great to be back.

Fort Leavenworth is a historic and beautiful post. The campus has nice green spaces and is home to the United States Army Command and General Staff College. The college features four schools:  the Command and General Staff School, the School of Advanced Military Studies, the School for Command Preparation, and the School of Advanced Leadership and Tactics. Students who attend the Command and General Staff College, or CGSC, at Fort Leavenworth are among our nation’s best military leaders. Upon their graduation, they will join the ranks of many great notables of our history such as Dwight D. Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur, and George S. Patton.

As I stood there watching Old Glory proudly flying at half-mast in honor of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms, I hope they somehow knew their sacrifice was not in vain. Our country may be considered a mess by the masses. However, as I stand here on this post looking at the faces of these men and women who made a choice to be a part of something larger than themselves, who walk the walk and will hold the line when called upon, I am proud of them. I honor them, and I am thankful for them. They are our Heroes. Our Defenders. The American Soldier.

Leavenworth, KS

Submitted by
Sharon Allen
RE/MAX Revolution
Kansas City, MO

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