We are pleased to introduce you to Agent Insight, a marketing tool to increase your business opportunities and grow the RE/MAX brand in your area. Your words and photos are featured, giving potential clients a very personal look at the markets you represent. Your submissions make you an expert about your community and the flow of fresh material to Agent Insight boosts your SEO rankings which means continuous generation of leads.
So, how do you get started? Its easy. You can scroll through the five short tutorials below in this Getting Started series to learn all the basics for producing short, conversational written insights and effective photographs. Then, follow the easy directions below to send in your submissions.
We are excited that you are eager to participate in Agent Insight. Thank you for your time, enthusiasm and creativity!
Submitting From Your Computer
For a written insight, point your browser to www.agentinsight.net, then login using your remax.net email and password. Find the most precise location of interest, click the “Submit an Area Insight” button and follow the instructions. Follow the same directions to send a photo, but click the “Submit a Photo” button.
Submitting From Your Mobile Device
Visit www.AgentInsight.net from your iPhone, Android mobile device. Tap the blue Login button and enter your remax.net user name and password. Tap the red Submit An Insight button, choose a place (search or pick from the list) then scroll down to see the pair of red submit buttons. Choose one and complete the form. For photos, tap the green Choose Photo button to either take a photo right on the sport, or pick one you have already taken. Once the upload is complete, you can add a caption and tap the Submit button to post your insight.
Learn More
- Do you learn by watching others? Check out each of the several short How-To Videos.
- Do you like to hold what you are reading? Download and print this PDF guide to get started.
- Want more details? Peruse our Frequently Asked Questions section.