few years ago, I had the opportunity to travel throughout Central and Western Nebraska. On my travels I passed through so many rural communities and most had a similar theme. There were these amazing historical buildings and almost every town had one or two for sale. The more of these beautiful structures I came upon the more I was convinced that an amazing opportunity was being missed out on right here literally in our backyard. Metro communities are growing at an astronomical rate and with growth comes crowding, noise congestion and stress.
Technology not only brings instant answers but also the ability to work from virtually anywhere. A good percentage of today’s workforce finds themselves not at a desk but at a coffee shop or home office. Since we can work from literally the middle of nowhere, then why aren’t we?
I was reading a book about NUCOR Steel one time and it talked about the reason it moved to the Midwest instead of into the middle of all the other steel production areas of our country. The reason was because of the workforce that it found in and around Norfolk, NE. Imagine when we are looking for call centers and the like if we took some of these spectacular historic buildings we find littered throughout rural Nebraska and set up mini centers that virtually interconnected?
Gothenburg, NE
Submitted by
Koby Rickertsen
RE/MAX Home, Farm & Ranch
Gothenburg, NE