ust yesterday I was sitting in construction traffic on one of Enid’s main roads, Owen K. Garriott. I almost laughed out loud when I realized I was getting frustrated because I was in line behind eight other cars. Eight cars! Only in Enid is eight cars considered a traffic jam and I’m reminded of that every time I’m driving in Oklahoma City or Tulsa. Buyers often ask what the commute time is from one neighborhood to a local business. That is one of the beauties of Enid; anywhere is within no more than 20 minutes of anywhere else in town, maybe 30 minutes if you hit “rush hour.” What Enid lacks in major retailers or restaurant chains, it more than makes up for in traffic, or lack thereof. I have been truly spoiled here and will miss Enid’s simpler ways when we one day move to another part of the country.
Enid, OK
Submitted by
Amy Clements
RE/MAX Premier
Enid, OK